Anchor Charts & Posters

1 page. Use this empty template to post your rules, concepts, assignments, announcements, students' names if they've achieved or accomplished something etc. Laminate it and use a dry erase marker so you can change it. Use a Mr. Clean eraser to remove per
1 page. A gentle reminder to help students remember to raise their hand.
1 page. This poster covers it all, and is a gentle reminder to say "No!" Use it as a writing prompt: Why should you say no? Do you say no? How should you say no? Do you have friends that don't say no? What are the consequences of not saying no?
1 page. Common Core State Standard: RL.1.2 Tips of how to retell a fiction and non fiction story.
1 page. Hang up this anchor chart to help students make 3 connections in reading.
1 page. Hang up this useful anchor chart, to help remind students what the 3 main purposes of an author are.
16 pages. Addition portion of Common Core State Math Standard 1.OA.8 Fun activities to help you teach "doublers" to your students.

1 page. Some of my favorite quotes by Dr. Seuss. Perfect for a classroom poster to give students something to think about. Anyone of the quotations would make a fun writing prompt!

44 pages. Common Core State Standards: RL.K.2, RL.K.4, RL.K.9, RI.K.9, RL.1.2, RL.1.5, RL.1.9, L.1.4, L.K.1d You can cover these Common Core State Standards in a fun and easy way with these helpful graphic organizers.
37 pages. An excellent collection of 3 and 4-column graphic organizers, for every season and a variety of themes.
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