1-2-3 Come Park It With Me!
If you do a unit on transportation, you'll definitely want to include "Park It!" in your lessons.
The original idea for the parking lot, came from a home-schooling mom over at "I can teach my child", who made one out of tape for her sons. Click on the link to check out her wonderful site.
I wanted to make this easier, and something you could put away, so I designed the template. I used traceable letters so children could also practice writing with dry erase markers. They can trace the top letter, park their car, and then write the letter(s) under their vehicle.
The Dollar Store sells small cars 6 in a pack. You can also pick them up at garage sales any where from a dime to 25 cents.
Instead of tape, I used tough-stick colored dots. Don't get garage sale ones, because they will peel off easily. For an even more professional look, watch for all of those 40% off coupons from Hobby Lobby, JoAnne Fabrics & Michaels, to buy stickers that already have the letters written on them!
Here's How To Make Your Letter Matching Parking Lot:
Click on the link to view/download the "Park It Packet." Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find helpful. My "Pin it" button is at the top. If you'd like to see all the adorable educational items that I PIN, simply click on the "Follow me" heart on the right.
"Time is the most valuable thing a person can spend." -Diogenes
1-2-3 Come Study Shapes With Me!
This 40-page packet will help you review Common Core Standards: K.G.1, K.G.2, RF.K.1a, RF.K.3c, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.1.2b, RF.1.1a, K.MD.3, 1.MD.4, 1.G.1
with quick, easy and fun ways to review 2D shapes.
The packet includes:
Click on the link to view/download the Pig Shape Packet.
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" To teach is to learn twice over." -Joseph Joubert
1-2-3 Come Flip Flop With Me!
Tis the season for flip flops! I thought it would be fun to use them to make some fun CVC word actiities.
I put a CVC word on one flip flop and then "flip-flopped" it, (wrote it backwards) to make a new CVC word.
Surprisingly, a lot of the flips made real words and not just nonsense words, but even the nonsense words are a valuable resource and fun for your kiddo's.
I also ran into quite a few palindromes (words that are spelled the same backwards and forwards), which is an interesting vocabulary word for your students to explore as well.
The 63-page CVC Flip-Flop Word Activities Packet will help you with Common Core State Standard:RF.K.3c
The Packet Includes:
Click on the link to view/print the CVC Word Flip-Flop Packet.
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"Sometimes we are all too quick to count the days, that we forget to make the days count." -Unknown
1-2-3 Come Fly A Kite With Me!
As the wind is whipping around your school this month, are you looking for some kite-themed activities? Well you've come to the right place! I'll talk about a few of my favorites here, and then give you a link for the rest.
To help you review the Common Core State Standard: MD.1.3, I've designed a kite clock. The game is entitled "Time Flies!" and reviews digital as well as analog time.
Click on the link to view/download the analog and digital time - kite clock.
If you're working on colors and patterning with your students, you'll enjoy the Kite Patterning packet.
You can quickly and easily whole group assess your students, as they have fun adding a variety of colored strips, to make a patterned kite tail.
Kites come in a large array of sizes and shapes, so I thought it would be fun to see if I could find examples of all of the 3D shapes.
I learned a lot doing this research, and found many examples of spheres, cones, cubes and cylinders.
In the easy reader: 3D Kites, students trace and write the shape words as well as glue the matching pictures to the numbered boxes. Click on the link to view/download the 3D Kite booklet
No kite unit is complete, without studying the -ite and ight word families. I made a kite poster listing these word families as well as included them in the My Kite Booklet.
The easy-reader kite-booklet packet, is chock full of -ite & -ight activities, like the Zite Story Poem.
There's also some trace and write worksheets as well as well as a graphing extension, plus 25 traceable word cards.
The packet also includes an -ite -ight word family kite "craftivity."
Click on the links to view/download the My Kite Packet.
Finally, since all of the glyphs have been such popular downloads, I decided to make a kite glyph too. Click on the link to grab this freebie.
To see more kite activities, click on the link to zip over to the kite section, with 23 kite activities!
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"Distance means so little, when someone means so much. " -Unknown