11 pages.
Review digital and analog time to the hour and half hour with this Olympic-themed telling time packet. Print off the clock faces and the digital time rectangles on glossy white photo paper. Trim and glue to the Time For The Olympics master. You've now created a dry erase board!
7 pages.
Rolling For The Gold is an easy, quick and fun way to review ordinal numbers with an Olympic twist.
3 pages.
Here's a list of the sites where the winter and summer Olympics have been held. From the first to the most current.
7 pages
Students can color a mini Olympic flag (glue a Popsicle stick to the side) or strengthen their finger muscles by making a "Rip & Tear" Olympic flag. I've included 2-pages of historical Olympic flag facts, that you can share with your students as well.
9 pages.
Here's an alphabetical list of summer as well as winter Olympic sports. I've also included covers for an Olympic sports dictionary, as well as a sport report cover. These make a great Daily 5 activity.
6 pages.
Have students choose 1 of 6 different Olympic Venn diagrams to compare and contrast something about the Olympics.
2 pages.
Keep track of how many Olympic medals your country is winning by recording a tally mark under the appropriate medal. There is a recording sheet for the United States, as well as a generic one any country can use.
17 pages.
These puzzles will help your students practice counting to 10, counting backwards from 10 to 1, as well as skip count by 10's to 100.
23 pages.
Spice things up each month with a variety of seasonal Letter of the Day anchor charts. Laminate and use every year, or print and compile a Letter of the Week class book. Great for calendar time.
50 pages
This packet is perfect for a daily or weekly table top lesson, math center, something for early finishers to do, nice for a sub folder activity, or great practice for a take home worksheet. I've used the same template and changed the clip art, so you have a variety of worksheets for each month and lots of themes. This Packet will be FREE for an entire year! Woo Hoo. After which time, it will be revamped and included in my whopping 106-page Seasonal Print & Go Daily Math Worksheet packet in my TpT shop. Click on the link to zip on over. For your convenience, I've included a PREVIEW here.