St. Patrick's Day

6 pages. 18 calendar cards for the month of March. Includes several for St. Patrick's Day. Use on your calendar, or for your word wall. Make an extra set and have students play Memory Match. Have students choose one to color and use as a bookma
23 pages. Common Core State Standards: K.CC.1,K.CC.2b, 1.NBT.1, K.MD.1, 1.MD.1, 1.NBT.2c, 1.NBT.5 10 different 100/120 charts that are themed to the month. Run them off and have students practice writing to 100 0r 120 each month.

Common Core State Standard: 1.MD.3 Time to the hour and half hour pocket chart cards.

101 pages. (Whoo hoo!) Common Core State Standards:K.CC.2, K.CC.3, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c, K.CC.5, k.CC.6 K.OA.1 K.OA.5 Your students will really enjoy the variety of hands-on activities they can do with this packet.

28 pages. Common Core State Standards:RF.K3c, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.1.2b, RF.1.1a Punctuation paddles are quick and easy to make and a super-fun way for students to learn about end punctuation. They also make a terrific whole-group assessment tool.

39 pages. Your students will enjoy making and wearing these 30 masks to help make story time come alive. Act out poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, counting parts of a story, and special holidays.

18 pages. Common Core State Standard RI.K1d Use these alphabet shamrocks in a variety of ways, including flashcards, bulletin board aids, borders, and games. Includes upper and lowercase letters + a blank template for you to program and a tip sheet

16 pages 5 Class books to make during March: Dr. Seuss On The Loose, The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow, If I Caught A Leprechaun, Storms and Lion Or Lamb. Includes 2 graphing extensions. Making a class book is a fun way to get students writing!
2 pages. Cute center for St. Patty's Day: Using a Q-tip,students paint polished stones (you can get a bag full at The Dollar Store) with lips and shamrocks. Give everyone a "You Rock!" bookmark to go with their Blarney Stone!
4 pages. A fun game for March, especially St. Patrick's Day. Choose which spinner you want students to use. They spin it,trace and then write that number on their recording sheet. Also includes counting by 1's.
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