Grocery Bag Ghosts:
Ask each child to bring in a white plastic grocery bag. (Bring in a few of your own for those who forget.)
Have them cut a large square or rectangle out of the side that has no writing on.
This is a bit tough with safety scissors, but it doesn't matter if the edges are jagged because that effect makes the "ghost" look cool.
It cuts easier if you tell your students to use the tips of the scissors and "snip" small sections.
When they have made their rectangle/square, have them crumple up the printed side (great fine motor skill) hiding as much of the printing as they can.
Have them crumple it into a ball. This will be the "Head" of the ghost.
Place the "ball-head" in the middle of the plain white plastic piece. (You may want to add a piece of scotch tape to keep their ball together. If an adult is helping the tape is not necessary Make your sample ahead of time so you have one to show the children, as well as a sample in front of them, so you can show them how it is done.)
Gather the plain plastic around the ball head. They can fasten it with a rubber band if they are handy enough.
I come around and tie an orange ribbon bow around the neck.
You can add wiggle eyes with glue dots or you can give them a black permanent marker and have them make two dots for eyes. Warn them not to make them too big and that they should be the same size. Some little ones get carried away with the markers and make huge eyes and then add noses and mouths and don't follow directions. They look better with just eyes. I have also run off my students' school photo and cut them into ovals and had them put their face on the other side of the ghost. You could hang them on a b. board flying around tombstones with the caption: ___________'s boo-tiful students flying through October lessons!
Glue Ghosts
The other ghost activity is also a quick and easy project. Write every child's name on a sheet of wax paper. Give them a blob of tacky glue (Elmer's works too, but is not quite as thick) and have them swirl it into a ghost. ( I use Q-tips) Let dry 24 hours and gently peel off the paper. You can poke a hole in the top and string a lacing sting through it to make a ghost necklace. I've also painted macaroni white and had them string their "bone"-beads to this. Students can add two eyes with a marker. You could also make a pin.
Keepsake Cuties
My favorite ghost is one where I trace their foot with their shoe on. I call them "Spooky Soles" They glue it behind a gray tombstone that they cut out. I run off stickers that say RIP (Really Important Person) and they put that on their tombstone and write their name above it. I give them two glue dots and two big wiggle eyes and they have an adorable keepsake. I punch a hole in the top and hang them from the ceiling. The poem I wrote says: Here's a little ghost he says boo! He's extra special because he's traced from my shoe! I type that up in a little square. They cut it out and glue it on their ghost.
Sweet Smelling Ghosts: Make a ghost from a dryer sheet. Give each of your students a dryer sheet. These can be used or new. Using a pencil, have them draw a ghostly shape on the sheet and then cut it out. Sometimes this is a bit difficult with a safety scissors so have them make short cuts and snip around their shape. They can add wiggle eyes with glue dots, or carefully use a black marker to make the eyes. Because a dryer sheet is absorbent remind them not to rest the marker on the sheet. Write their name on the bottom with an ink pen. Using a needle and thread, tie a long loop to their ghost’s head, and let them fly it around the room. After they are done playing, hang them from the ceiling or in the window.
Lunch Bag Loonies: I love that lunch bags come in colors. White is perfect to make a ghost. Have your students shove a white plastic grocery bag in the top of the bag. Twist the bag so you make a "head" . Tie it with a piece of orange ribbon and wahla instant ghost! Now have your children cut 2 inch strips all the way up the bag to the neck of the ghost. Add 2 black eyes with a marker and a nice smile and you're done. You can add a loop of yarn to the back of the ribbon if you want your loonie lunch bag ghosts flying down the hallway suspended from the ceiling. Too cute!
Coat hanger Creations: You can make lots of things out of a wire coat hanger. Have each of your students bring one in. Or if your husband is like mine, you'll have a class set--no problem.. Demonstrate how to pull it lengthways, then sideways, then criss-cross to get the "permanent" kinks out. Show your students how to shape their coat hanger into a circle. Then have them decide if they want to make a spider, pumpkin, cat, skull or moon. Lets say they want to make a harvest moon. Using a Q-tip have them dab tacky glue on top of the circle. Lay a sheet of yellow tissue paper on top of the wire. If you want the tissue to look darker and be a bit more tear resistant, you can add another sheet to the top. Simply put another layer of glue around the circle on top of the first tissue.
I suggest letting it dry if you're working with little ones. If you're working with older students they can trim the tissue around their coat hanger leaving a half inch "hem". Some glue will have dropped over the edge which will be perfect because you are going to have them fold the "hem" over. That's it. Remind students to be very careful not to rip and tear their tissue paper. Cut out an orange construction paper pumpkin. Add a green construction paper stem and draw on a Jack-O-Lantern face with a black crayon or marker. Glue the pumpkin to the bottom middle of the tissue paper moon. Put the glue on the back of the pumpkin and gently press it to the coat hanger. If you want to make the coat hanger into a pumpkin, glue orange tissue paper on the coat hanger following the directions above, then glue black construction paper geometric shapes on it to make a face. If you want to make a spider or cat head, glue black tissue paper on the coat hanger and add 4 construction paper strips of black paper to each side of the hanger to make a spider and some eyes. Add two black rectangles to the top of the coat hanger for a cat's ears + facial features. For a skull, cover with white tissue paper and add facial features with a black marker. Hang your creation in the window. Happy Halloween.
If you'd like to make a ghost pencil for your little "punkins" to write with all day, simply plop a small Styrofoam ball on the eraser end, add a Kleenex and two squares of tulle. Tie with a piece of yarn and you've got a "spook-tacular" writing utensil they're sure to go bats over!
Click on the link if you'd like to see the Blog Pictures up close in a PDF. Halloween Project Pictures.
Baby Food Jar Luminaries: After you have reviewed with your students the things they learned during Fire Safety Week and made them promise once again to NEVER EVER play with fire, candles, lighters or matches, you can have them paint a baby food jar luminary. Write their name on the bottom of the jar with a permanent marker. They can paint their jar white and make a ghost, orange and make a pumpkin, black and make a cat, green or purple and make an alien or monster. The paint goes on the OUTSIDE. The tea light is dropped on the inside. After their base coat is painted, make sure they have no glass showing, cover with varnish to make it shiny, unless you have already purchased a gloss paint. Let dry. Draw examples of faces on the board and have students paint a face on their luminary. Have students make little cards that say: "You light up my life with love. Happy Halloween to you!" and tuck them in their candle cup. What a nice surprise for their family.
Have the children bring in an empty cereal box. Cut out big sheets of grey construction paper in the shape of a tombstone and have them glue it to both sides of the box. Children write their name on the box with a black marker and put all their goodies from the day in it. Makes for a nice and easy take home tote!
Now that you're done with crafts it's time to get the wiggles out! What could be better than some Halloween Movements? Can you flap like a bat, roll like a pumpkin into the night or walk like a mummy? Click on the link to view/print a copy of this cute list that will have your students shaking their bones 'til they finally "turn around. Sit down. Hands in lap, that's that!" Halloween Movements
If you'd like to sing 10 Little Ghosts to the tune of 10 Little Indians why not paint each of your student's index fingernails with White Out. Add 2 black dots for eyes with a Sharpie and they have a spooky pointer for the day's activities. White Out does not easily wash off so they'll have their ghostly pal for most of the day.
I have lots of other super fun ideas for your Halloween Party including 24 games and decorating tips in my Halloween Mini Unit. Click on the link to check it out. It's only $1.59 for 81 pages of spook-tacular fun! Halloween Book
If you're looking for some great interactive read alouds to tickle your students' funny bones then you'll want to read them Halloween Stew, Halloween ABC's and ABC Haunted House. They all come with student editions that are perfect for reinforcing the alphabet and concepts of print. I've also designed some "Easy Readers" with kindergarten sight words where the children read, trace, and write the sentence. In some cases they even unjumble the letters, cut them out and glue them to the appropriate pages. Children really enjoy putting these little booklets together. They pack in a lot of different skills and standards in a fun way. Halloween Triangles, Let's Go Trick Or Treating, and My Trick Or Treat Booklet Click on the links to check them out.
Halloween Game Time: Even when I'm playing games at my Halloween Party I want to nail my report card standards, so I made up Numb Skulls. You can use this as a simple skill sheet (I never call them worksheets, who wants to do work! I refer to my table top lessons as skill sheets or fun sheets!) or have them play a game and shake a Halloween Bottle. During the month of October I buy the mini water bottles so I can make a class set of Halloween game bottles for my students. I save them and refill them with tap water and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. I put 3 drops of food coloring into the bottle. You can get Fall Colors starting in September. They have 4 bottles to a set: Forest green, orange, burgundy and black. I also use the regular food coloring so I have lime green, yellow and purple. Put in a teaspoon of vegetable oil and some Halloween confetti. Party stores have a huge selection and the Dollar Store sometimes sells Halloween confetti 4 packs stapled to a card. The vegetable oil makes the confetti float. I also sprinkle in some orange glitter and drop in one dice. Whenever my students played dice games they were always making lots of noise and losing the dice under the tables and on the floor. By putting them inside a bottle I solved both problems. Plus it's lots more fun for them to shake. I seal the bottles shut with Aileen's tacky glue and for added protection put a piece of orange masking tape around the caps as well. Children then shake up their Halloween bottle, check the number of the dice on the bottom and put that on their Numb Skull. If they are doing subtraction, they use the larger number first. They solve their equation and X out that many teeth on their skeleton's head! Lots of fun! When they are done with the game they get to take their Numb Skulls and Halloween bottles home. I keep an extra neutral set of bottles in my classroom for everyday use.
I also have them play Halloween Match. It's like the old card game "Snap". With this set of cards you could also play Memory Match or make an ABC Booklet. Click on the link to view/print off the games + directions for both the Numb Skull and Halloween ABC Match Games.
Whatever you do, I'm wishing you and your little "punkins" a howling good time! Happy Happy Halloween! I hope it's simply delightful!
If you'd like to tuck a Happy Halloween certificate into your students' backpacks, or give to your own children, click on the link. Halloween Certificates. I've made 4 different styles. There's 2 on a page for easy copying + a page of "slap" bracelets. 11 on a page. Run them off, cut them out and tape this Happy Halloween message to their wrist! Enjoy. and have a....
Setting the stage is crucial:
The Tip List has 74 tips. I'd love to make it all the way to 100 giving teachers more fuel to put out those "rip-your-hair-out" fires! So take a moment and send me what works for you! Thanks in advance and have a great day getting the ants out of your students' pants!
Here's Some Ideas!
October is Fire Safety Month and what a great idea to plug that in to your fall activities! Just last year one of our kindergartners saved the day when his family’s trailer caught fire and he was the one who ran next door and dialed 911 because of what he had learned two months before! Wow! Really makes you stop and say “That lesson was time well spent!” when life gives you a reality check!
Here are some things that I do:
Well that’s just a few of the things I do to prepare my students and their families. I’d love to hear from you and what you’re doing in your classroom. So feel free to comment and share ideas with us! Wouldn’t it be great if like the little boy above you saved a life by posting an art project or idea that helped a little one remember the numbers 911 or an aspect of fire safety? All I can say is WOW!
Happy Fire Safety Month!
Do You need some Sight Word help for your kindergarten kids? I've got some great ideas for you! How about 72 pages of Sight Word Skill Sheets with my kid-tested, teacher approved system? Students TRACE the word, WRITE the word, COLOR the word and then become ABCDe-tectives and "unjumble" the word, by CUTTING out the letters in their easy-snip rectangular boxes, ARRANGING them in correctly -spelled order, then GLUING them to their matching boxes on the skill sheet, where they can then READ the page! Students enjoy figuring out these simple puzzles and being detectives!
Do one sheet each day, or choose whatever words you want from a 52 alphabetical sight word listing and make a booklet for your class to work on. AND for this week only 'til the 14th of October, I'm offering this outstanding 72 page book FREE!
It may sound silly, but I'm giving you the Sight Word Book FREE in celebration of my successful cataract surgery! So enjoy. Just click on the link and print which ever sight words that you use in your class, or print the entire thing. After the 17th of October the book will sell for only $1.99. There's a two-page tip sheet that lists other things you can do with the cards as well.
Besides the Skill Sheet Book I've also made Mini Flashcards perfect for little hands! I'm sure you can think up all sorts of fun things to do with them. A pack of 52 is only .99 cents! Click on the link to check it out.
Here’s Some Other Things You Can Do With The Flashcards:
Finally, besides the Sight Word Skill Sheets and Mini-Flashcards, I made two Easy Reader Sight Word Booklets. Your students will enjoy completing their booklet and then taking it home to share with their families! You can imagine how excited they'll feel when they can read it all by themselves!. My I CAN Booklet uses 10 sight words; My LOOK Book incorporates 20 sight words! They also use the READ, TRACE and WRITE formular to really get those sight words in their heads in a fun way. I post new things EVERY day so please pop by often. It's my goal to write 8 more booklets. Click on the links to check them out. A little more advanced booklet incorporates shape, color and number words + 19 sight words. It's called My Look and See Shape Booklet. I include traceable flashcards and 5 skillsheets for practice so that your students will be reading the booklet in no time. It also include an ABCDe-tective progress-praise certificate. Click on the link to check out this booklet that packs in lots of skills and standards in a super-fun way!
If you're looking for a Dolch Word List for Kindergarten, click on the link. I also have a Pre-Primer Dolch Word List that I also use for my Y5's. Click on the link for that if interested. If you teach 1st grade I've also compiled a Dolch Word List for first grade as well. Click on that link for a copy. Dolch Word List for 1st Grade.
The biggest bonanza is over 300 traceable flashcards and all the Dolch Word Lists all the way up to a 3rd grade Dolch word list in a book I call Dolch Word Help. Click on the link to view/print a copy. I've included a Dolch noun list as well as Dolch noun flashcards and their Dolch Noun matching picture cards + a tip list of how you can use all of this! I even found a fairy tale online that includes all 220 Dolch words from ALL of the Dolch lists! WOW! Click on the link for this wonderfulf reebie! FREE DOLCH WORD HELP BOOK
If you're looking for a fun read aloud to go with your kindergarten Dolch Word list I have just the thing. When I was working on my Masters in Elementary Education one of my reading class assignments was to write something creative for a kindergarten class using the Dolch Word List. I chose to write an ABC book. I really challenged myself because I wanted to see if I could incorporate the entire Dolch Word list, not just the kindergarten Dolch word list but the first grade Dolch Word List AND the second grade Dolch Word List !!! I also wanted it to rhyme and include all the vowel sounds. I'm a big fan of Dr. Seuss so I wanted it to be a silly sort of book using his format that my students would enjoy hearing. Wow! What a job! But so fun to create and my students LOVE LOVE LOVE this booklet. Lots of giggle time. So check it out by clicking on the link. It's entitled Awake To Zleep and is a real tongue twister so prepare to have fun!
I've also compiled a list of consonant blends, digraphs, and long and short vowel words. They are in alphabetical order for easy reference with some tips of what to do with the word list, a song to help teach your students vowels, an art activity to help them sort consonants and vowels and finally, a movement-chant activity to help them conquer the concept of blends in a fun way! Click on the link for a copy. WORD LIST
Letters make up words and words make up sentences and they all make up an Itty Bitty Alpha-bit Book that's fun for your students to make and collect! What a great way to build a child's self-esteem on their road to reading bit-by-bit! Click on the link to learn how. You will LOVE the versatility of teaching with these mini flashcard sets! Learn number words with Numbits, and have a blast making Itty Bitty Number and skip counting books! Click on the link to see how you can join the fun!!
I hope these new sight words for kindergarten activities, and the Dolch word information, will help you and yours. I designed them to be time savers for you as well as great fun and good self-esteem builders. Hopefully they will help promote literacy in your classrooms.
Happy Fall Reading!
How will you be celebrating Columbus Day with your students?
Columbus Day is celebrated in Spain and America. We celebrate on the 2nd Monday in October.
A bit of history you may not know:
Columbus was turned down many times before receiving a thumbs up for his trip from Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. They promised much-- including land, 10% of all the revenues from the new lands, and he was to be dubbed “Admiral of the Seas” and would receive a portion of the profits, to name a few things in a very generous contract. They didn’t really expect him to return. Perhaps this is why they didn't really honor the contract. Instead, he was later arrested in 1500! After Columbus died, his sons Fernando and Diego took legal action. They battled through 1511! Court disputes continued ‘til 1790, almost 300 years from the time Columbus first set sail!
Between 1492 and 1503, Columbus completed four round-trip voyages between Spain and the Americas, all of them under the sponsorship of Isabella. These voyages marked the beginning of European Exploration and the colonization of our American continents. Columbus, however, always insisted, even though there was a great deal of evidence proving him wrong, that the lands he visited were part of Asia. His refusal to see otherwise, might be the reason that America was named after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci and not Christopher Columbus.
if you're wondering what to do with your students, I’ve made up a few songs you can sing. You can also try, 3 Columbus Day Art Activities + an Easy Reader that’s sure to be a hit. If you need to add a little geography to the day you'll want to print off my Columbus Day Geography Book. It's a Trace, Write, Cut and Glue activity. Use it in class or send it home. If you're looking for some table top skill sheets to round out your morning routine, I've got just the thing! A maze, word find, an ABC skill builder sheet, a dot-to-dot (you choose how to count), a trace-to-pre-write, a pinch & poke, a match the columns, 2 dice games, and a ship spelling sheet! To praise your students' efforts I also have a certificate. Click on the link to check out this 42-page packet Columbus Packet. This packet is free through July 2011 and then goes in the shopping cart for only .99 cents.
I save toilet paper, and paper towel tubes all year and have it on my "Save for me!" recycling list that I give to parents the first day of school, so when October arrives I have enough to make telescopes for Columbus Day. The children simply glue a pre-cut piece of brown paper on their paper towel tube. We sit on our Circle of Friends carpet and look through our telescope and share what we think Columbus might have seen on the Ocean, and on land. How was it different from what we see today. I bring in a real telescope for them to look in.
Get Ready, Get Set, Read!
Besides reading a few stories about Columbus (I have several selections from Scholastic) I show them books about astronomy and tell them that captains of ships used the stars to tell where they were going. Two books I also show pictures from are The Ships of Christopher Columbus by Xavier Pastor. It gives lots of details about the ships and includes some good pictures to share with your students. How We Learned The Earth Was Round by Patricia Lauber.
It's also a great back ground book. The author explains how people viewed the shape of the earth in early times, and describes the reasoning that led the Greeks to the conclusion that the earth was round.
I show my students a globe and pass around objects that are sphreres. I explain to them that a lot of people didn't think that the earth was round. They thought it was flat, and that if you sailed far enough you would fall off and die! It was a very scary time when people didn't know that others lived far away. We take turns tossing a beach ball globe and sharing something that we are afraid of.
Snack Time:
A fun snack if you have a parent who wants to fuss a bit, is to buy pears or peach halves. Insert a tooth pick in a marshmallow and then into the pear or peach and you have a yummy fruit boat.
More Ideas:
To make a cute Nina, Pinta, or Santa Maria ship, Click on the link. Ships
To read a great synopsis of Columbus and view a neat slide show click on the link. This would be a wonderful computer center for the day.
To make a cool Spanish Ship click on the link.
For some outstanding Columbus Day coloring pages click on the link. You can print them off and use them for your class or have students go to the site as a computer center and color them online! My favorite is Columbus holding a scroll. I use it for name writing practice!
So set sail today on your ocean of blue
and have fun making a voyage in 1492.