1-2-3 Count Coins With Me!
I always did my coin unit in February. It made sense to me (no pun intended) because it was Washington and Lincoln’s birthday month and they are on 2 of the coins we had to learn to identify.
I decided to combine coins with penguins, as that’s a popular theme that many study in January, thus Cent-sational Penguins was born.
The Cent-sational Penguin packet will help you with Common Core State Standards: RF.K3c, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.1.2b, RF.1.1a, 1.OA.5, RF.K.3a, RI.K.7, RI.K.10
It’s an easy and fun way to review a variety of math and reading standards in a short amount of time.
Students trace and write the coin word and its value. They also circle the capital letters, add end punctuation, as well as color, cut and glue the matching coins.
There are additional writing opportunities, as students think of alliterative nouns and verbs to complete the last sentences.
The packet includes:
Click on the link to view/download the Cent-stional Penguins Packet
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For more FREE penguin activities, click on the link. Enjoy!
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“OK, so you are 10-years-old and have a laptop, PC, IPod, Wii and Gameboy. When I was 10 the only techno thing I had to play with was called OUTSIDE!” -Unknown