veterans day lessons

1-2-3 Come Do Some Veteran's Day Activities With Me!

I think it's extremely important to do some sort of patriotic activity with students on Veteran's Day.  I realize that there is so much to cram into a day, and that time simply flies, but if you incorporate an activity with your writing or reading blocks it's do-able.  These activities also work well for Daily 5 or an independent center.

vetrans day activities, veterans day crafts, common core veterans day, camouflage alphabet cards, veterans day number cards, writing prompts for veterans day, memorial day crafts, memorial day activities, veterans day arts and crafts, There are 15 "craftivities" in the Veteran's Day packet.  Click on the link ot view/download it.  They are simple, quick and use items you already have. 

vetrans day activities, veterans day crafts, common core veterans day, camouflage alphabet cards, veterans day number cards, writing prompts for veterans day, memorial day crafts, memorial day activities, veterans day arts and crafts, The packet includes, poems, roll and color games, worksheets, a bookmark, + 4 crafts.  I especially like the "Poppin' Poppy."  It's made from mini-cupcake wrappers. 

vetrans day activities, veterans day crafts, common core veterans day, camouflage alphabet cards, veterans day number cards, writing prompts for veterans day, memorial day crafts, memorial day activities, veterans day arts and crafts, I've also included a few writing prompts with 4 graphic organizers to help with the pre-writing.

vetrans day activities, veterans day crafts, common core veterans day, camouflage alphabet cards, veterans day number cards, writing prompts for veterans day, memorial day crafts, memorial day activities, veterans day arts and crafts, The Camouflage Alphabet Cards packet includes upper and lowercase letters, a 3-page tip list of what to do with the cards, Kaboom cards that make ABC games even more engaging, + 2 trace and write worksheets. Click on the link above to view/download it.

cov num fun I also made a set of patriotic number cards from 1-120.  They too have a tip list, Kaboom cards + 3 trace and write worksheets. Click on the link to view/download the Patriotic Number Cards packet.

vetrans day activities, veterans day crafts, common core veterans day, camouflage alphabet cards, veterans day number cards, writing prompts for veterans day, memorial day crafts, memorial day activities, veterans day arts and crafts, Practice more number skills, including counting backwards from 10 to 1, as well as skip counting by 10's to 100, with the Patriotic Puzzles packet. Click on the link to view/download it.

vetrans day activities, veterans day crafts, common core veterans day, camouflage alphabet cards, veterans day number cards, writing prompts for veterans day, memorial day crafts, memorial day activities, veterans day arts and crafts, Finally, review 2D shapes.  You can set this up as an independent center, where students place laminated pieces on their matching  soldier cards, or have children choose a partner and take turns spinning the shape spinner. 

Whatever shape they land on, is the one they place on the card.  Click on the link to view/download the Veteran's Day Shape Games.

Veteran's Day crafts, veterans day activities, veterans day writing prompts, veterans day ideasThanks for visiting today.  I hope you and yours have a wonderful Veteran's Day, forever keeping in mind those who served.  

"We owe our Veterans a debt we can never repay." -Doc Hastings