number activity

Let’s Make An Oogalie-Googalie

apple slider, color activity, shape activity, number activity, counting activity, CVC word activity, addition and subtraction activity, monthly sliders, kite activity, flower activity, bunny activity, spring art activity, apple slider, color activity, shape activity, number activity, counting activity, CVC word activity, addition and subtraction activity, monthly sliders, kite activity, flower activity, bunny activity, spring art activity, What’s an Oogalie-Googalie (Og for short) you ask? It’s a themed slider with huge cut out eyes that helps you review report card standards in a fun way!

The name comes from a very old song lyric about ooglie googlie eyes.

Your students will go Ga Ga over these monthly OG's!

You can make one each month, or just a few for whatever fits a particular theme you’re doing.

Since it’s March making the kite one offers a fun way for your students to review a variety of report card standards in a unique way.

Run off the slider parts on construction paper.  Students cut and glue them to make an adorable Og.

apple slider, color activity, shape activity, number activity, counting activity, CVC word activity, addition and subtraction activity, monthly sliders, kite activity, flower activity, bunny activity, spring art activity, apple slider, color activity, shape activity, number activity, counting activity, CVC word activity, addition and subtraction activity, monthly sliders, kite activity, flower activity, bunny activity, spring art activity, Choose whatever strips you'd like your students to review and run them off. Students slip them through the eye-slits creating a slider for easy review.

Og’s are a quick art project that reviews: shapes, colors, numbers, upper and lowercase letters, simple equations and CVC words.

For a cute keepsake, have students glue school photographs on the strip and key the blank strip with names. This is a fun way to read names and review who is who in your class.

Use the blank strip to fill in other report card standards you want to review like more difficult addition and subtraction equations than the ones I've provided.

Click on the link to view/download Oogalie Googalie report card standard helper sliders.