me bags

1-2-3 Come Make A Back-To-School Kitty Craft With Me

A kajillion years ago, just before I was student teaching, I had a professor ask us to bring 3 things in a lunch bag that represented us.  We’d be sharing it as an icebreaker during our next class.

back to school ideas, back to school activities, first week of school ideas, first week of school activities, icebreakers for school, icebreaker activities, icebreaker ideas, icebreaker lessons, lunch bags with items about students, me bags, getting to know me bags, cats out of the bag icebreaker idea, icebreakers for the first week of school, cats out of the bag lunch bag,I really liked this idea and filed it away in my brain, thinking it would be fun to do with my “someday” students.  Many “some days” have come and gone and I’ve since seen variations of the “me bags” all over the Internet and on Pinterest.

When I was an aide, only ½ a jillion years ago, I did a writing prompt with my 2nd graders entitled: “The Cat’s Out Of The Bag.”  I had an “all about me” checklist, written on a cat’s belly, that they filled out and then read to their classmates.

Later, they colored, cut and glued the cat, to the outside of a brown lunch bag, and after sharing them with their classmates, they hung their cat on the front of their lockers, so passers by could also get to know them.

My kiddos really enjoyed doing them, and we got lots of compliments from hallway visitors. I thought this would be a nice creative twist to my icebreaker bag of long ago.

Here’s what you do:

Make up your own personal “Cat bag” and share it with your students so they get to know a little bit about you too.  I included a family photo, (my students always thought it was cool that I have an identical twin), a small stuffed poodle to represent our pet Chloe, a tiny book because I love to read, a pen because I love to write, and paintbrush because I enjoy art.

No matter what grade I taught, I always made samples.  My students really enjoyed getting to know me this way, as well as being able to “see” something and refer to it, as they worked on their own project. 

back to school ideas, back to school activities, first week of school ideas, first week of school activities, icebreakers for school, icebreaker activities, icebreaker ideas, icebreaker lessons, lunch bags with items about students, me bags, getting to know me bags, cats out of the bag icebreaker idea, icebreakers for the first week of school, cats out of the bag lunch bag,Examples also made things easy to explain and acted as an attention grabber as well.  Run off the note to the parents, along with the cute cat and “The cat’s out of the bag” sign.  There are two on a page to save paper. 

back to school ideas, back to school activities, first week of school ideas, first week of school activities, icebreakers for school, icebreaker activities, icebreaker ideas, icebreaker lessons, lunch bags with items about students, me bags, getting to know me bags, cats out of the bag icebreaker idea, icebreakers for the first week of school, cats out of the bag lunch bag,Attach them to a brown lunch bag and send them home with students on the first day of school, or during your Open House. 

Not only is this an easy and fun way to get to know your students, it will afford an opportunity to give them some practice sharing in front of their new friends. 

This is a wonderful alternative to Show and Tell.  Plan to have 2-3 children (or as many as time will allow) share their bag each day during snack time, or at the end of the day before dismissal.

Click on the link to view/download The Cat’s Out Of The Bag packet.  Thanks for visiting today.  Do you have a getting-to-know-you project or icebreaker you’d be willing to share with us?  I’d enjoy hearing from you. or post a comment here.

back to school ideas, back to school activities, first week of school ideas, first week of school activities, icebreakers for school, icebreaker activities, icebreaker ideas, icebreaker lessons, lunch bags with items about students, me bags, getting to know me bags, cats out of the bag icebreaker idea, cats out of the bag lunch bag,Feel free to PIN away.  My "Pin it" button is at the top on the menu bar.  To check out more back-to-school ideas, click on the link, and stay tuned for more articles with lots of FREEBIES through out the summer.

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you can help them become what they are capable of becoming.” –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe