clock pattern

1-2-3 Come Play Some Shamrock Time Games With Me

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, shamrock telling time cards, telling time activities to the hour, telling time activities to the half hour, digital time activities, analog time activities, 1.MD.s, common core st. patrick's day, st. patty's day clocks, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, I continue to plug along completing the Telling Time Cards for each month, and just finished the March clock set with shamrocks.  Click on the link to view/download them.

I also have a variety of other telling time games with a shamrock theme, that are great throughout the month of March, but especially nice to plug in for St. Patrick’s Day, when you might want to add a bit more fun to the day because it’s “special”.

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, shamrock telling time cards, telling time activities to the hour, telling time activities to the half hour, digital time activities, analog time activities, 1.MD.s, common core st. patrick's day, st. patty's day clocks, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Start off by offering a quick and easy Make A Shamrock Clock center. Students cut out the circle, glue it to a paper plate and then count by 5’s to write in the helpful numbers around the clock.

Punch a hole in the center, fasten a brass brad and attach a small and large paperclip and you’re done! Students can take turns calling out a time.  Everyone manipulates the paperclip hands to make that time and holds up their clock to show the answer.  It's a quick & easy way to whole-group assess.

I’ve also included a plain clock so that you can use it anytime, without the shamrock theme idea.  Click on the link to view/download the Shamrock Clock  

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Bingo Dot Clock is another fun way to whole-group assess students.  Call on a quiet child to “spy” a time to the hour.

Students trace the number, bingo dot the circle, manipulate the paperclip hands to show the correct time and then hold up their clock when done.

The first child with the correct answer gets to spy the next time for everyone to find.   Click on the link to view/download Bingo Dot Shamrock Clock game.

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Spin to Win also reinforces time to the hour.   Students can either spin the shamrock clock spinner or roll a pair of dice.

Rolling dice involves simple addition and subtraction.  Students trace the digital time on their time card and then write it.   The first student to completely fill their time card in is the winner.

This game also includes traceable digital time cards to the hour and half hour + a certificate of praise bookmark.   Click on the link to view/download Shamrock Spin To Win game

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Shamrocks on a Roll also involves dice and addition and subtraction.   Students have the option to trace the numbers on their shamrock clock or write them in.   Click on the link to view/download Shamrocks on a Roll

Finally, Shamrock Skip Counting includes a shamrock spinner for counting by 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, and 10’s.  There is also a spinner for counting by 1’s for younger students.

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Knowing how to skip count is important in telling time.  Click on the link to view/download Skip Counting With Shamrocks

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Thanks for visiting.  Feel free to PIN away.  I hope your “time” playing some of these games on St. Patrick’s Day is delightful!  

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