My Mom Is Bee-utiful Writing Prompt Craftivity


 9 pages.

There are two crafts to choose from in this packet.  Each one makes a sweet card for Mom, and doubles as a May writing prompt that's perfect for your Daily 5 activities.

The first craft-card is a cute bumble bee.  Students can draw on their own face, or use my pattern. As a writing prompt, students think of reasons why they think their mom is beautiful.  They write their sentences on the yellow stripes of the bee.  Older students can write more on the back.   The bees wings are made out of wax paper.

 The other craft is a beehive with the same writing prompt.  Make this extra special by having students dip their finger in yellow paint to make the bees buzzing around the hive. When the paint dries, have students add details with a black marker.

cover beeutifulThis item will be FREE for an entire year!  Woo hoo.

hive pixAfter which time, it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop.

Click on the link to zip on over to see the new, 46-page "Bee-utiful Bee-cause" writing prompt craftivity.


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  • SKU: TWM2060

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