Place Value Snowmen


3 pages.

Students can draw in their own snowman face, or color my pattern.  To turn these into dry erase "boards" cut squares out of glossy photo paper.  Each student needs 4 to glue on top of the squares on their place value snowman.

Print; laminate and trim the number cards (0-9) and toss them in a mitten or winter cap.  Choose 3 students to pick a card.  This will become the 3-digit number that students write on their number square and then figure out place value, so they can write the appropriate numbers in the one's, ten's and hundred's boxes, using a dry erase marker.  Play continues 'til all of your students have had a turn to draw a card. 

This activity will be FREE for an entire year!  Woo hoo.

After which time it will be up-dated and put in my TpT shop.  Click on the link to take a look at the new, 10-page Place Value Snowman

Additional Info

  • SKU: TWM1843

Other Resources


Cover 2 vowels go walking

cover name writing

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