
14 pages. Common Core State Standard: 1.MD.3

Use these as flashcards, pocket cards or for a March bulletin board.  Make extra sets so that students can play Memory Match or "I Have; Who Has?" games.  Cut them up to make puzzles and to play even more games.

21 pages.

16 St. Paddy's Day puzzles will help your students practice counting and sequencing numbers 1-10, counting backwards from 10 to 1, as well as skip counting by 10's to 100.  Includes 5 black and white puzzles so children can color their own. 

28 pages.

A brief synopsis of 79 Dr. Seuss Stories, including ones that are in his book collections: For example, The Sneeches and Other Stories. Plus stories from The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories that were published posthumously. 

10 pages.

I wondered how many books Dr. Seuss had written, so I Googled it.  There were guess-timates from 40 to 60 books; because of the discrepancies, I decided to make my own list, so I could count and know the answer.   I came up with 65 (2 were for adults).  I hope you find this alphabetical list, with some interesting notations, helpful.

8 pages

After reading Dr. Seuss's book, What Was I Scared Of?  (Also found in The Sneetches) discuss what kinds of things people are afraid of and how they can overcome their fears. 

11 pages.

You can do this as a whole group activity and jot down UP phrases as your students think of them, making one poster, or use this as an interesting activity for your Daily 5 word work and have students each make up their own. 

20 pages

Use these Cat in the Hat Popsicle stick paddles to practice long and short vowels.  Inlcudes a list of words for all of the long vowels, and a list of words for all of the short vowels, which includes many words from the Dolch word lists. (PK-3rd).

11 pages.

Review capitalization and punctuation with this Cat in the Hat "craftivity."  Students choose 5 sentence strips, underline the capital letter, add punctuation and then glue the stripes to their red construction paper hat in an ABAB pattern.  If you want, have students rewrite the correct sentence on the red "stripes."

8 pages

Practice place value with this easy and fun Cat in the Hat laminated place value mat.  Students take turns calling out a 3-digit number.  Using a dry erase marker, students write the number on the hat brim and then place that many number tiles in the appropriate columns.  This is a quick and simple way to whole-group assess. When students have filled in their mat, they raise their hand.  You can see at a glance who needs help.

10 pages.

After reading Dr. Seuss's If I Ran The Circus, have students transition to either of these interesting writing prompts.  One is a class book.  Choose which writing prompt you want your students to do.  They complete their page and illustrate it.  Collect and collate the pages.  Read your class book aloud by having each student share the page that they wrote.

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