six traits of writing anchor charts

Anchor Charts That Help Teach!

six traits of writing anchor charts, six traits of writing posters, writing anchor charts, reading anchor charts, math anchor charts, said is dead anchor chart, addition and subtraction anchor chart, free school posters, bulletin board ideas for september, back to school bulletin board ideas, writing activities for september,six traits of writing anchor charts, six traits of writing posters, wiriting anchor charts, reading anchor charts, math anchor charts,bulletin board ideas for september, back to school bulletin board ideas, writing activities for september,I LOVE making and using anchor charts!

A collection of similar ones make an instant bulletin board, single ones help decorate your room, and all of them give valuable information in a nutshell or remind students at a glance what to do, or how to do something.

They are also a wonderful teaching tool, as you can refer to them as a “checklist” before students begin their work, or remind them to refer to the charts before they ask you a question.

For example, a popular set of anchor charts is the Six Traits of Writing.  As students begin their work, review the steps. 

When they have completed their work, go through the posters again, asking the students the various questions. If they haven't answered "YES!" to all of them, then they aren't ready to hand in their paper.

Click on the link to view/download the Six Traits of Writing anchor charts

This collection also makes a great writing bulletin board. Simply place the posters on 6 rainbow-colored sheets of construction paper, laminate them and then staple them kittywhompus on a black background. Edge the board with a pencil border. 

You can suspend some cut outs of pencils, pens, erasers, and paper from fishline, just above the board. Wahla! Instant b. board, that students can refer to all year long. If you don't have a bulletin board, simply put the black paper on a bare wall and frame it with the boarder.

"Said is dead; use these words instead!" has also been a very popular anchor chart. This too, could be part of your writing wall.

click on the link to view/download Said is Dead anchor chart.

six traits of writing anchor charts, six traits of writing posters, said is dead anchor chart, addition and subtraction anchor charts, writing anchor charts, math anchor charts,bulletin board ideas for september, back to school bulletin board ideas, writing activities for september,

I’ve spent the last week creating a variety of anchor charts that I think you’ll find helpful.

The above are about writing, but I also have ones for math as well as other subjects. A popular math set of anchor charts has been the addition and subtraction set.

Click on the link to view/download addition-subtraction anchor charts.six traits of writing anchor charts, six traits of writing posters, reading anchor charts, writing anchor charts, math anchor charts, free school posters, said is dead anchor chart, addition and subtraction anchor charts,bulletin board ideas for september, back to school bulletin board ideas, writing activities for september,

I’ve also gotten permission from several new clip artists to use their work, so I think you’ll be delighted with the graphics as well.

I will continue to make anchor charts through the summer.  If there is a chart you’d like for your classroom, shoot me an e-mail and I’ll see what I can do.

I find that if one teacher needs it, there are lots more who will be happy someone asked!

When you pop back to see what’s new, to view all of the anchor charts and posters, click on the classroom management apple on my home page and then click on anchor charts.

To view the charts for today, click on this quick anchor chart link.  Scroll down and choose whatever charts and posters you like.  Enjoy.

six traits of writing anchor charts, six traits of writing posters, reading anchor charts, writing anchor charts, math anchor charts, free school posters, said is dead anchor chart, addition and subtraction anchor charts,bulletin board ideas for september, back to school bulletin board ideas, writing activities for september,Thanks for visiting!  Feel free to PIN anything you think others will find helpful.

Do you have an anchor chart that you can’t live without? Post a comment and link here! We’d enjoy hearing from you.  

"A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles." -Washington Irving