Items filtered by date: February 2012

Let’s Make An Oogalie-Googalie

apple slider, color activity, shape activity, number activity, counting activity, CVC word activity, addition and subtraction activity, monthly sliders, kite activity, flower activity, bunny activity, spring art activity, apple slider, color activity, shape activity, number activity, counting activity, CVC word activity, addition and subtraction activity, monthly sliders, kite activity, flower activity, bunny activity, spring art activity, What’s an Oogalie-Googalie (Og for short) you ask? It’s a themed slider with huge cut out eyes that helps you review report card standards in a fun way!

The name comes from a very old song lyric about ooglie googlie eyes.

Your students will go Ga Ga over these monthly OG's!

You can make one each month, or just a few for whatever fits a particular theme you’re doing.

Since it’s March making the kite one offers a fun way for your students to review a variety of report card standards in a unique way.

Run off the slider parts on construction paper.  Students cut and glue them to make an adorable Og.

apple slider, color activity, shape activity, number activity, counting activity, CVC word activity, addition and subtraction activity, monthly sliders, kite activity, flower activity, bunny activity, spring art activity, apple slider, color activity, shape activity, number activity, counting activity, CVC word activity, addition and subtraction activity, monthly sliders, kite activity, flower activity, bunny activity, spring art activity, Choose whatever strips you'd like your students to review and run them off. Students slip them through the eye-slits creating a slider for easy review.

Og’s are a quick art project that reviews: shapes, colors, numbers, upper and lowercase letters, simple equations and CVC words.

For a cute keepsake, have students glue school photographs on the strip and key the blank strip with names. This is a fun way to read names and review who is who in your class.

Use the blank strip to fill in other report card standards you want to review like more difficult addition and subtraction equations than the ones I've provided.

Click on the link to view/download Oogalie Googalie report card standard helper sliders.

Published in Getting to the Core
Thursday, 15 March 2012 23:51

Bookmarks For Spring

I love making bookmarks to give to my students, and March Is Reading Month is a marvelous time to hand them out.

I try to design some of them around standards so they become a helpful checklist that students can refer to.

My first graders used to keep them in a pocket taped to the side of their desks.  My Y5’s kept theirs in their work folders.

bookmarks, spring bookmarks, classroom management, counting bookmark, blast off, counting backwards from 10-0 activities, counting backwards,counting activities, number line, ncentives, The Pool Ball counting bookmark counts forward to 10.

I’ve also included large balls for teacher flashcards.  Laminate, cut out, punch a hole in the top and put on a split ring.

I’ve included a smaller set for students.  They can sequence them forwards and backwards and can also put them on a split ring made out of a bended paperclip.

These make great Memory Match games as well as a cute number line to hang on the wall too.

Click on the link to view/download pool ball counting bookmark.

bookmarks, spring bookmarks, classroom management, counting bookmark, blast off, counting backwards from 10-0 activities, counting backwards,counting activities, number line, ncentives, The Blast Off With Me bookmark is a nice visual for students to “see” counting backwards from 10-0.  I’ve also included cards and tips for several games.

Click on the link to view/download Blast Off Bookmark.

Finally, I’ve designed 3 spring bookmarks.  Tuck them in Take Home folders,  backpacks, or leave in or on a desk as a nice surprise.

bookmarks, spring bookmarks, classroom management, counting bookmark, blast off, counting backwards from 10-0 activities, counting backwards,counting activities, number line, ncentives, Click on the link to view/download spring bookmarks.

For more bookmarks that you can use as monthly praise slips and incentives click on the link.  I have a pre-colored set and ones that are just black and white so that students can color them.

Click on the link to view/download  Praise slip-bookmark incentives.

Happy Reading!

Published in Getting to the Core
Thursday, 15 March 2012 10:13

Center Signs

21 pages. 21 colorful signs to hang up in your classroom to show where your centers are. If you have one that's not listed, let me know and I'll be glad to add it.
Published in Downloads
Thursday, 15 March 2012 09:34

St. Patrick's Day Ideas

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Let the Celebration of Learning Begin.

Sorry to those of you who tried to get on the site this morning. Our server went down.  Such is the aggravating world of cyber space. I apologize for any frustration and inconvenience this caused.

Saturday is St. Patrick’s Day and many of you will be celebrating Friday with a special theme day or at least a few activities to help make the day a bit more fun.

st. patrick's day ideas, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, activities for st. patrick's day, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day bookmar, st. patrick's day hat, st. patrick's day crown, st. patrick's day certificates, blarney stone activitiesI just wanted to post a few things for those of you who are still looking for some last-minute ideas to plug in.

When my students walk in I have Irish music playing.  It puts everyone in a festive mood.

I play soothing harp music while they do their table top lessons and transition to centers.  They’ve always enjoyed this.

I designed “St. Patrick’s Day Stuff” if you want to leave a little surprise on your students’ desks in the morning or afternoon.

I’ve included several old-fashioned St. Patty’s day postcards, 2 bookmarks, a note from the teacher, and badge.

Cut the badges out, write you students’ name on them and attach a tiny safety pin.

If your little ones are into “crowns” make an easy one with a sentence strip and have them glue the badge to the center.

They can also make a necklace with pony beads, noodles or whatever extra’s you have hidden in your storage closet, and add the badge to the center.

Not only is stringing beads a great fine motor skill, but students can put on a specific number of beads, counting as they go, and then skip counting to see how many they put on.  They can also show you a designated pattern with the colors that they choose.

Click on the link to view/download St. Patrick’s Day Stuff.

st. patrick's day ideas, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, activities for st. patrick's day, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day bookmar, st. patrick's day hat, st. patrick's day crown, st. patrick's day certificates, blarney stone activitiesPrint off the “You Rock!” strips and let students decorate a stone with a shamrock sticker or dab on 3 dots of green paint with a Q-tip.

Tell students the story of the Blarney Stone and include lip stickers at this center as well.

st. patrick's day activities, blarney stone activities, st. patrick's day activities for preschool kindergarten and first grade, shamrock activities, Click on the link to view/print “You Rock!” strips.

For some additional activities, a class booklet and a leprechaun hat template click on the link to view/download St. Patrick’s Day Activities. It’s 30-pages long and filled with fun.

I hope you found an idea or two here that will help make your day a little more special and fun, to me that’s what learning’s all about.

Published in Getting to the Core
Thursday, 15 March 2012 08:05

You Rock Blarney Stone Activity

2 pages. Cute center for St. Patty's Day: Using a Q-tip,students paint polished stones (you can get a bag full at The Dollar Store) with lips and shamrocks. Give everyone a "You Rock!" bookmark to go with their Blarney Stone!
Published in Downloads
1-2-3 Come Play Some Shamrock Time Games With Me

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, shamrock telling time cards, telling time activities to the hour, telling time activities to the half hour, digital time activities, analog time activities, 1.MD.s, common core st. patrick's day, st. patty's day clocks, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, I continue to plug along completing the Telling Time Cards for each month, and just finished the March clock set with shamrocks.  Click on the link to view/download them.

I also have a variety of other telling time games with a shamrock theme, that are great throughout the month of March, but especially nice to plug in for St. Patrick’s Day, when you might want to add a bit more fun to the day because it’s “special”.

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, shamrock telling time cards, telling time activities to the hour, telling time activities to the half hour, digital time activities, analog time activities, 1.MD.s, common core st. patrick's day, st. patty's day clocks, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Start off by offering a quick and easy Make A Shamrock Clock center. Students cut out the circle, glue it to a paper plate and then count by 5’s to write in the helpful numbers around the clock.

Punch a hole in the center, fasten a brass brad and attach a small and large paperclip and you’re done! Students can take turns calling out a time.  Everyone manipulates the paperclip hands to make that time and holds up their clock to show the answer.  It's a quick & easy way to whole-group assess.

I’ve also included a plain clock so that you can use it anytime, without the shamrock theme idea.  Click on the link to view/download the Shamrock Clock  

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Bingo Dot Clock is another fun way to whole-group assess students.  Call on a quiet child to “spy” a time to the hour.

Students trace the number, bingo dot the circle, manipulate the paperclip hands to show the correct time and then hold up their clock when done.

The first child with the correct answer gets to spy the next time for everyone to find.   Click on the link to view/download Bingo Dot Shamrock Clock game.

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Spin to Win also reinforces time to the hour.   Students can either spin the shamrock clock spinner or roll a pair of dice.

Rolling dice involves simple addition and subtraction.  Students trace the digital time on their time card and then write it.   The first student to completely fill their time card in is the winner.

This game also includes traceable digital time cards to the hour and half hour + a certificate of praise bookmark.   Click on the link to view/download Shamrock Spin To Win game

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Shamrocks on a Roll also involves dice and addition and subtraction.   Students have the option to trace the numbers on their shamrock clock or write them in.   Click on the link to view/download Shamrocks on a Roll

Finally, Shamrock Skip Counting includes a shamrock spinner for counting by 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, and 10’s.  There is also a spinner for counting by 1’s for younger students.

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Knowing how to skip count is important in telling time.  Click on the link to view/download Skip Counting With Shamrocks

shamrock activities, shamrock clock, clock pattern, st. patrick's day games, st. patrick's day activities, activities for st. patrick's day for preschool kindergarten and first grade, st. patrick's day centers, st. patrick's day math centers, telling time lessons, telling time to the hour lessons, telling time certificates, elling time games, Thanks for visiting.  Feel free to PIN away.  I hope your “time” playing some of these games on St. Patrick’s Day is delightful!  

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." -Benjamin Franklin

Published in Getting to the Core
Tuesday, 13 March 2012 14:12

Pool Ball Counting Cards

8 pages. A fun way to review numbers and counting. Make this cute bookmark to help your students "see" the numbers in sequence. Includes a tip sheet of ideas and activities for the cards.
Published in Downloads
Tuesday, 13 March 2012 13:59

Blast Off Bookmark and Game

5 pages. Give students a bookmark to help them remember how to count backwards from 10 to 1. Includes blast off counting cards and a tip sheet of games and activities that you can do with the cards.
Published in Downloads
Tuesday, 13 March 2012 13:44

Shamrock Skip Counting Number Spin Game

4 pages. A fun game for March, especially St. Patrick's Day. Choose which spinner you want students to use. They spin it,trace and then write that number on their recording sheet. Also includes counting by 1's.
Published in Downloads
Tuesday, 13 March 2012 12:38

Shamrocks On A Roll Time Game

4 pages. Common Core State Math Standard: 1.MD.3 A fun game for March or St. Patrick's Day. Students roll the dice, add or subtract to get the time to the hour and then either trace or write in the time.
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