
6 pages. A fun way to give parents information about your school and classroom.

1 page. I make this game for my students at the beginning of the 1st week of school to reinforce name recognition. Later, you can program word wall words and put them in separate Snack Baggies, or simply write complete sets of the alphabet and have students arrange them, to make up words, or practice their spelling words in a fun way.

12 pages. An alternative to the "portfolio" for younger children.

27 pages. A fun way to count to 100-Day!

6 pages. p your students understand the difficult words of The Pledge with these kid-friendly synonyms.

12 pages. A lovely way to teach about colors during this splendid season.

7 pages. Students will "fall" into learning when they practice writing equations and doing subtraction as they have fun solving the math mystery!

104 pages that will color your classroom with creativity! Includes 3 art activities that incorporate report card standards.

9 pages. Apple Annie will help your students easily learn shapes in this adorable back-to-school story about contentment.

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